Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What a good day

I had a wonderful day to day I got to talk to my bestest friend on the phone for 4o some minutes and we had a lovely  chat.:D and I also don't have to go to school tomorrow :DDDD


  1. I just LOOOVE *lovely* chats with my bestest friend in the whole wide world, too!!!!!!! =D
    And man, you totally picked the perfect day not to go to school.... its flippin AH-mazing out!!!! I got home a bit ago from running errands wtih Mom.... I had the window rolled all the way down, the breeze was so refreshing. Ahhh, the wonderfulness of spring!!!!!! *sighs*
    Anyhoo, gots to go work on some school before we start packing again. Ick. ttul
    Love ya,

  2. well sounds like you had fun OOOOOOOOOOOOO i got to tell you something cause it is hilarious I cut my thumb on a laundry basket :D something only I could do right :P
